Compensation Amount

In an unwitnessed accident near Yankee Stadium, the operator of an E-BIKE was struck by a taxi driver and forcefully propelled to the ground. Because there were no witnesses and the bicyclist was unconscious and taken from the scene, the police report was the statement of the driver alone and the police report unfairly stated that the bicyclist was solely responsible for the accident.

Although our client was knocked unconscious he remembered what occurred immediately before the accident and remembered seeing the taxi driver head straight thru a red light. Raphaelson & Levine’s investigation team went door to door thoroughly searching for video and was able to find a video that partially showed the intersection.

With the use of an accident reconstructionist and a computer technician, we were able to analyze video and determine the timing of the light series and ultimately prove that our client's recollection was correct.

Prior to handling the case by our office, another firm had dropped our client's case because of the results of the police report.

Raphaelson & Levine has the resources and the determination to work hard no matter what the circumstances. We are always ready to advocate and be the VOICE OF THE INJURED for all New York accident victims.

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No Fees Unless We Win.

Overwhelmed with medical expenses, lost wages, pain, & suffering? Don't settle with an insurance company for less than you deserve. We're here for you.
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30 years of experience getting maximum compensation for our clients (up to 45X more than your initial offer)
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Raphaelson & Levine Law Firm, P.C.
14 Penn Plaza Suite 1718
New York, NY 10122