Compensation Amount

Our client, an innocent pedestrian, was traversing a crosswalk when a negligent driver recklessly ignored a stop sign and struck her down. The impact resulted in a fractured ankle that required surgical intervention.

Despite receiving numerous substantial offers, we advised our client to reject these offers and continue fighting for maximum compensation. At Raphaelson & Levine, we prioritize our clients' best interests, treating each one as part of our extended family.

Our commitment to relentless preparation, combined with our extensive legal experience, ensures we guide our clients effectively during their challenging times.

After a rigorous litigation process in the Bronx Supreme Court, partner Andrew Levine demonstrated unequivocally that the defendant was 100% fault for the incident. With our deep understanding of personal injury law, we were able to secure a remarkable $1.3 million settlement to compensate our client for her pain, suffering, and medical costs.

If you've been hurt in a pedestrian accident in New York, we can help.

Call Raphaelson & Levine today for a free consultation.

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No Fees Unless We Win.

Overwhelmed with medical expenses, lost wages, pain, & suffering? Don't settle with an insurance company for less than you deserve. We're here for you.
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You'll have direct access to a paralegal, a dedicated attorney, and a dedicated partner
30 years of experience getting maximum compensation for our clients (up to 45X more than your initial offer)
For immediate legal assistance, please call our Manhattan office.
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Raphaelson & Levine Law Firm, P.C.
14 Penn Plaza Suite 1718
New York, NY 10122