Trusted New York slip & fall lawyers with decades of experience
Slip and fall accidents often lead to serious injuries and tragically, many didn’t need to happen. Are you struggling with pain, medical bills, and lost wages after a slip and fall accident? You're not alone.
If you've been injured in a slip, trip, or fall accident, it's important to seek legal help right away. The personal injury attorneys at the Raphaelson & Levine Law Firm have seen countless forms of negligence, we will help you get the compensation you deserve.
Contact us now for a free consultation and take the first step towards a brighter future. Using our expert knowledge and years of experience, we'll fight for your rights and help you get back on your feet.
NEXT STEP: Contact Raphaelson & Levine today for a free consultation with a New York City slip and fall lawyer at our firm. Call 212-268-3222 or complete the case evaluation form below.
Millions Won for NYC slip & fall injury victims
You deserve better.

Common causes of slip and fall injuries in New York City
New York City, and its suburbs, are no stranger to slip and fall accidents.
Risky conditions existing across the city often lead to serious injuries — sidewalks, elevators, escalators, stairs, walkways, subways, construction sites, office buildings, grocery stores, retail outlets, and apartment complexes often present hazards people are not warned about.
Leading causes of slip and fall accidents in New York include:
- Unsecured rugs and mats
- Uneven floors
- Slippery floors
- Broken or uneven stair treads and staircases
- Missing or broken railings
- Build-up of ice and snow
- Loose cables and wires
- Debris and clutter
- Broken sidewalks or pavement
Additionally, cracks, snow, ice, large construction defects, and holes often exist throughout New York City without proper warning signs.
These hazardous conditions can cause life-changing and sometimes fatal injuries.
Who is liable for my injuries if I'm hurt in a trip and fall accident in NYC?
Property owners and managers have an obligation to maintain safe conditions. An NYC slip and fall attorney can evaluate and assess the circumstances. Just cause for a negligence claim must be demonstrated.
- Did the property owner show reasonable care in maintaining their property?
- Should the owner have known a hazard was present?
- Have other people experienced falls in the same location?
- Was the dangerous condition in place long enough for the owner to have known?
- Was insufficient lighting part of the circumstances that led to the fall?
- Could the owner have placed a visible notice warning that a hazard was present?
Answering “yes” to one or more of these questions suggests premises liability existed on the part of the owner or property manager. You could have grounds for a personal injury claim to obtain the compensation you deserve.
Types of trip, slip, and fall cases our premises liability lawyers handle
The New York trip and fall lawyers at Raphaelson & Levine have a great deal of experience representing people who have suffered injury from a slip and falls.
We pursue compensation for injuries occurring on construction sites, sidewalks, workplaces, parking lots, and at places of business. Also, we see common injuries due to snow and ice and wet surfaces.
In our experience litigating premises liability claims, defendants often don’t address issues such as clogged drains, icy weather conditions, timely surface treatments for ice and snow, poorly maintained sidewalks, loose railings, damaged staircases, and parking lots that create conditions for puddles to form.
Any of these situations are almost always grounds for a premises liability claim.
How much is my slip and fall case worth?
The value of a slip and fall case can vary widely depending on various factors, including the extent of your injuries, the medical treatment required, and the impact on your quality of life.
Other factors that may be taken into account include lost wages, future medical expenses, and pain and suffering. In order to determine the potential value of your case, it's important to speak with an experienced slip and fall lawyer who can evaluate your situation and provide you with an estimate.
Common injuries resulting from slips and falls include broken bones, soft tissue damage, spinal cord injuries, traumatic brain injury, head injury, paralysis, lost limbs, and wrongful death.
Our recent slip and fall settlements and trial verdicts include:
- $1,800,000 Worksite Fall Injury
- $1,750,000 Staircase Trip & Fall Pre-Trial Award
- $1,750,000 Fall From Heights Injury Award
- $1,000,000 Cafeteria Slip & Fall Injury Settlement
- $750,000 Slip & Fall at Rental Property Trial Verdict
- $650K Pet Store Trip & Fall Settlement
Our personal injury attorneys strive to help each client obtain the financial resources needed to pay for medical care, plus compensation for all other economic and noneconomic losses, including:
- Current lost wages
- Reduced future earning capacity
- Current medical bills and future medical expenses
- Physical and emotional pain and suffering
Our New York City slip and fall accident lawyers will speak with your doctor or other medical professionals to learn about your medical needs and will work hard to help you get the care and rehabilitation services you require.
Frequently Asked Questions
What should I do after a slip, trip, or fall accident in NYC?
Slip and fall accidents can result in minor injuries, but others are very serious.
When a slip and fall occurs on public or private property, it’s important you follow these seven steps to get treatment for your injuries, document the accident, and protect your legal rights to compensation:
- Step 1: Seek medical help ASAP. Anyone who experiences a fall should seek medical treatment immediately. Injuries are often more serious than they initially look. The sooner a medical professional examines the injuries, the sooner these injuries, or potential injuries, can be detected, evaluated, and monitored. It’s crucial that all immediate and non-immediate symptoms are documented in the event a claim will need to be filed.
- Step 2: Report the accident right away. The individual or business who owns or runs the property should be immediately notified. In many cases, a formal accident report is required. Be sure it is filed, and a copy is requested for personal records. If leaving the premises to receive medical help, remember to call later to receive a copy of the report for your personal records.
- Step 3: Be cautious about what you say. After an accident occurs, be very cautious about what you say. Avoid being emotional, angry, admitting guilt for the fall, or casting blame on another party. It’s important to avoid being involved in any type of confrontation because anything said could be used to shift a negligence claim to the fault of the victim. Stick to the facts of what happened.
- Step 4: Take photographs. If possible, take detailed and time-stamped pictures of the accident location and any conditions that led to the fall (i.e., wet surfaces, icy sidewalk, or broken flooring).
- Step 5: Identify potential witnesses. See if any witnesses saw what happened and if so, obtain their names, addresses, and phone numbers. In the event the individual or business misrepresents what happened at the accident scene, other people can attest to what truly happened.
- Step 6: Set aside clothes and shoes worn on the day of the fall. Defendants often try to shift the blame of circumstances onto the victim. Clothing and shoes can be useful evidence to prove the negligence of the property owner or manager.
- Step 7: Call a New York slip and fall attorney. After receiving medical treatment, contact an NYC slip and fall attorney as soon as possible. They can secure the validity of your case before evidence disappears, serve as a go-between to ensure defendants do not try to shift blame to the victim and protect the victim from insurance companies that try to undermine their right to compensation.
Under New York State and NYC law, injured persons may have the right to file a negligence claim against the individual or business that owns or controls the property. Taking the above steps helps the victim ensure they have a better and more substantial case.
How often do slip and fall accidents happen at work?
Slip and fall accidents frequently occur in the workplace and are the leading cause of lost time from work. Federal statistics show 22% of slip and fall accidents result in over 31 days away from work.
Common causes of work-related falls include unsafe conditions including wet floors, uneven surfaces, floors in disrepair, clutter and debris, inadequate lighting, broken equipment, or slips from ladders. Business owners are expected to maintain safe workplaces for their employees.
Can I collect workers’ compensation if I have a fall injury at work?
Fall injuries at work are often eligible for workers’ compensation claims. Statistics suggest 85% of workers’ compensation claims are attributed to slips on slick floors.
Due to NYS’ no-fault insurance rules, employees cannot sue their employer unless the employer intentionally caused the situation. Alternatively, employees must pursue workers’ compensation.
However, it’s not uncommon for a third party to be the root of the negligence. It’s critical to speak with a personal injury lawyer as soon as possible to help determine if workers’ compensation should be pursued or a slip and fall lawsuit claim be filed.
Do I have a New York slip and fall case?
Maybe. In general, if you were injured in a slip and fall accident on someone else's property due to their negligence, you may have a case. Negligence can include things like failing to clean up a spill or repair a dangerous condition, or failing to warn visitors about a hazard.
To determine whether you have a case, it's important to speak with an experienced slip and fall lawyer who can evaluate the facts of your situation and advise you on your legal options. Contact us today for a free consultation and find out whether you have a New York slip and fall case.
According to the National Safety Council, falls are one of the top three most common preventable injuries. And also one of the top 10 types of accidents that fall into both the fatal and nonfatal categories.
Preventable accidents are usually caused by negligence.
To make a successful negligence claim, a slip and fall injury victim must prove:
- The defendant failed to live up basic obligations to maintain the property to ensure its safety.
- Negligence on the part of the defendant directly caused the fall to occur.
- The fall led to injury, and losses were suffered because of said injury.
Before filing a personal injury claim, review the circumstances at the time of the fall. If it appears the above three factors can be proved, this is a strong foundation for a personal injury claim.
Don't miss your deadline to file a claim, speak with a New York slip & fall attorney nearby
If you, or a loved one, have suffered injuries due to a slip and fall accident, the caring and compassionate personal injury lawyers at Raphaelson & Levine want to help.
Over the past thirty years, our slip and fall attorneys have earned a reputation as “The Voice of the Injured” in New York City. We aggressively recover justice for fall victims and have won more than $700 million for our clients including numerous multi-million dollar premises liability cases.
When representing you, the Raphaelson & Levine legal team will work diligently to obtain the best possible jury verdict or settlement for your accident case.
In New York, the statute of limitations for premises liability claims is only three years.
Don’t wait until it’s too late to begin your claim!
Join the thousands of satisfied New Yorkers that have trusted our experienced Manhattan personal injury law firm to provide them with a voice, and hope for a better future.
NEXT STEP: Call us today at 212-268-3222 or contact us online for a free case evaluation.